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Our vision is simply…… TO REPLACE THE MISPLACED - to seek and save the lost; to make them disciples of JESUS CHRIST, our Lord.  Thus, Archdiocese United Christian Fellowship, International intends to establish and support churches in order to bring the vision to fruition.  People of every nation, language, and tribe need to know, “(For) God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  (John 3:16 KJV) 




Two methods will be used:



















Churches that are already in existence can apply for consideration into Archdiocese United Christian Fellowship, Int’l.  This must be motivated by genuine reasons of desiring to belong to a well-structured and established organization.  Benefits of an independent church connecting with Archdiocese United Christian Fellowship, International are many and include but are not limited to the following:

  • An opportunity to fellowship and belong to a bigger body of believers locally and globally (every church needs a covering).

  • A safeguard against falling into doctrinal error.

  • A platform for Godly accountability and responsibility.

  • The availability of various resources of a bigger body.

  • Continued leadership development programs through quarterly pastors’ conferences, seminars, and the annual AUCFI Convocation.

  • Personal development and growth for Christians of all age through annual men, women, and teen retreats.


This will be the primary method.  Pastors who feel led of the Lord to begin a new ministry are invited to serve Him under the umbrella of Archdiocese United Christian Fellowship, Int’l will be welcomed, equipped, and assisted in becoming effective instruments of God in the implementation of Archdiocese United Christian Fellowship, Int’l vision.  The Archdiocese United Christian Fellowship, Int’l will assist churches in various forms including spiritual and material resources.

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