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Greetings Beloved,


What a wonderful season to be able to enjoy the blessings of the Lord God.  Indeed, His grace is sufficient in all things; His mercies are new every morning.  I am grateful for the chance to be a witness to the many graces of God.  Even amid trying times, extreme sickness and loss, and so many, many tests and trials, the Lord is among us.  He is still moving by His power.  He is still blessing His people.


Once again, the autumn season of the year is upon us; it is a time that signals change and the culmination of the previous year’s planting and harvesting season.  It is a time to celebrate the year’s accomplishments and to prepare for what lies ahead.  As I consider the wonderful changes the Lord has made in my life and the lives of so many that I have been privileged to know and serve, I thank God for his goodness to us.  That He could love us so much that He would send his only Son to die for our sins is amazing.  Oh, what love!  Truly, there is no greater love. 


The Lord has promised his people “better.”  As we trust him to do what’s best for us and remain confident that what He has promised, He will provide, we look forward to better days, both in time and in eternity.  Whatever it is that you are searching for...longing for, it is my heartfelt prayer that you will receive it from the Lord.  If  you are at this site by  happenstance, just  know that nothing happens

by coincidence.  Have faith in the providence of God and know that this is a God-winked moment.   Hebrews 11:6 teaches us that without faith, it is impossible to please God, for whoever would draw near to Him must believe first that He exists,  and then also believe that this same God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.   Dear brother/sister, please know that when you seek the Lord with all your heart, He will be found of you!  You will not be able to miss Him.  You will see Him in the colorful variants of the fall foliage.  You will see him in the face of a newborn infant.  You will see him in the miraculous things that He is doing in the lives of the believers.  You will recognize Him in the times He shows up in your life just when you thought that things could not get worse.  Through the messages and images on our website, oh yes, you will experience God.


Our God is a wonder working, miracle working, soul satisfying God.  If you are not acquainted with him, I pray that you will encounter him and make Him the Lord of your life.  This is a decision that once made you will not regret! 

Be safe, be considerate of others, and be well-informed.


Peace and blessings,



Mother Christine McComb

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