Greetings to All!!
May God’s choicest blessings be upon your lives both now and always. Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to all who view this website.
For the past several months, our website has been under reconstruction, and I wish to thank Sis. Dorothea Chambers and the AUCFI Admin staff for their dedication and hard work in this process. I am prayerful that as you visit with us that you will be blessed. While we recognize that due to COVID-19 and the advancement of technology, this is a medium that is being utilized more and more, I encourage believers and those seeking to know and experience a deeper walk with Christ to never forsake the assembling of yourselves with other believers in corporate worship and fellowship (Hebrews 10:25). Furthermore, you are cautioned to try (prove) the spirits and see if they are of God. Why? Because there are many false prophets gone out into the world (I John 4:1). We recognize that while this is a good thing, it can also be used in a bad way. It is one of many ways that the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) is inflicting havoc on Christians and
non-Christians alike. So, even as you are surfing your way through this site, prayerfully ask God to speak to you and direct your steps in the way(s) He has planned for you. You are precious in His sight, and God wants to use you in his service!
We have included as an important part of the Archdiocese United Christian Fellowship, International website names and locations of the churches who are united with us in kingdom building. It is our desire that if you are looking for churches in your local area, this information will prove beneficial. Please feel free to call on them or to visit at any time. These God-fearing, devoted servants of the Most High God take much delight in reaching the lost, equipping the saved, and serving in God’s kingdom. Indeed, they are servant-leaders who have been anointed for such a time as this, and I am honored to serve beside them.
I look forward to receiving your prayer requests and/or speaking with you either telephonically or in person. Again, I want to express my heart-felt gratitude to each of you for “stopping by our cyber house.” As you go forward, I pray that the Lord will bless you in ways you never imagined possible (Ephesians 3:20). Pray for us and the ministry, and rest assured that I will be praying for you. Please do not hesitate to email or call me. If you are in the area, you are welcome to come by the church. We need each other! The word of God teaches in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” (NLT) Let us refuse to live our lives in isolation, but rather let us live in such a way that we demonstrate that we are truly members one of another (I Corinthians 12:12-31). Blessings, honor, and glory to our God!
I remain faithful to His call,
Archbishop Carl McComb, Presiding Prelate